Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Aaj to hajari hanso

Trying to play some music on this blog. As a test, this wonderful wonderful song by Mukhtiyar Ali...

पाल पुरानी जल नुवो तो हंस्लो बैठो आये   
प्रीत पुरानी रे कारणों वो चुग चुग कंकर खाए 
आज तो हजारी हंसो पावनो रे हेली...

the banks are old but the water is fresh, and the swan swoops to sit
for the sake of an old love, he stays pecking at pebbles...
Today, the revered swan is a honoured guest, Heli...

The 'hans' is traditional imagery for the soul, the body is where it temporarily perches. The banks are the same, the water's fresh and the love, for whose sake all this is played out, is very old. 
The swan is always only a guest. Here today, gone tomorrow.

Now, hoping this works:


deewaan said...

Divine! Kabir, isn't it?

Sheetal said...

Deewan: isn't it beaut? it's credited to his disciple Dharmi Das, but same difference, I suppose.

Soldier Reborn said...

Can some one post me complete lyrics and meaning ??