Monday, March 26, 2007

Wailing wall

A picture in the Deccan Chronicle this morning.
A wall with photos of Indian cricketers on it, now hideously disfigured with lipstick, bindis and whatever else the decorators have thought will indicate emasculation. A crowd gathered in front of this wall with shoes and slippers, beating it in deliberate public denunciation.

Sometimes, my countrymen shame me.


Anonymous said...

And did you see the TV coverage of protesters lying down and masquerading as dead bodies, with the names of cricketers on the sheets covering them? Such good taste...

Sheetal said...

No, really? Staggeringly classy all this. Just when I've been going about talking such rot about India's inherent balance, self-corrective mechanisms...

Anonymous said...

I saw another picture - here. Shameful, really. I have written about it here

Sheetal said...

Emma: 'Chooriyan' seems so synonymous with powerlessness, you'd think women would refrain from using that symbol in that way... but no, apparently the x chromosome doesn't automatically qualify you for better sense.